Project: Swale Restoration in Canemah Bluff Nature Park
Client: Metro
Location: Oregon City, Oregon
Date: 2015 - 2018
Swale Restoration on Public Land
To preserve and enhance the rich diversity of animal, fish, and plant habitat at Canemah Bluff Nature Park, Metro contracted with Green Banks’ scientists to provide erosion control for a newly-constructed swale system. In order to reduce erosion and improve water quality, we utilized a combination of erosion control techniques such as planting of native vegetation and installation of erosion control fabric, bio-logs, wattles, and willow fascines. On the slopes of the swale, our experts seeded native grasses and herbs, installed erosion fabric, and planted more than 4,000 willows. Several hundred sedge and rush plugs were also installed into the bottom of the swale for improved habitat complexity and plant diversity. Several hundred feet of willow fascines were constructed from willow material harvested nearby. These fascines were installed to reduce the velocity of the surface water and capture sediment, in areas where hillside surface water was causing erosion. We planted more than 10,000 native trees and shrubs on approximately 10 acres of adjacent upland areas and maintained the upland areas by providing seasonal weed control.