Project: Multnomah Channel Ecotone Enhancement Project - North Multnomah Channel Marsh
Client: Metro
Location: Multnomah and Columbia County near Sauvie Island
Date: 2017 - 2020
Native Plant Restoration and Fish Habitat Preservation
To enhance plant, fish, and wildlife habitat in a portion of the 300-acre marsh located across from Sauvie Island, Metro hired Green Banks to survey the area and develop an integrated management plan for the vegetation areas between the seasonally-flooded acreage and the established forests. Our analysis began with complete scoping for the planned ecotone enhancement project, mapping the project area using a combination of ground truthing the previous mapping and creation of new GPS mapping using a Trimble GEO-XT GPS unit, which can achieve sub-meter accuracy after post processing. After completing our survey and calculating project acreage, we developed a project implementation plan that included preparation measures, plant lists, maintenance procedures, and a budget estimate. To reestablish native plant communities, Green Banks, in tandem with other members of Metro’s North Multnomah Channel Marsh team, focused on reclaiming nearly 50 acres of reed canarygrass-dominated wetlands by installing willow species, red-osier dogwood, and Douglas spirea live stakes in the marsh, and planting the surrounding Upland with bare root trees and shrubs. Approximately 100,000 native trees and shrubs were planted on the acreage. To protect this area and its salmon habitat, our vegetation management plan utilized herbicide conservatively and focused on mechanical control techniques such as mowing.