Green Banks is an environmental consulting firm that specializes in natural resource management. We have been providing consulting services to private and public clients in the Pacific Northwest since 2008. Our key scientific staff have nearly 20 years of experience managing environmental projects in the states of Oregon, Washington, California, Texas, Idaho, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Please see our list of services and service descriptions for more information.
Wetland and Waters Delineation
Green Banks provides Wetland and Waters Delineation services for projects of all sizes and complexities. Our scientists are experienced in evaluating soils, vegetation, and hydrology to delineate wetland areas based on the current State and Federal guidance. We have completed difficult delineations on large agricultural sites, disturbed and degraded sites, large linear projects (power, LNG, fiber optic), and forensic delineations. We are experienced at delineating Water resources (streams, lakes, tidal areas) using field indicators and gauge data (when available).
Wetland Permitting, Monitoring and Mitigation
Green Banks provides permitting services for projects involving wetlands and waters and can assist with State, Federal and Local jurisdiction permitting. We are experienced at developing and implementing mitigation plans, and provide construction management services. We also specialize in mitigation monitoring and can provide monitoring and reporting services for your project.

Wetland, Aquatic and Conservation Banking
Green Banks specializes in several types of mitigation banking. We are most experienced in wetland mitigation banking but can also assist with stream mitigation and conservation banking projects. Green Banks provides all of the scientific services to design, permit, install, and manage mitigation banking projects. Please contact us if you would like assistance with your banking project or have questions about the banking potential on your property.
Natural Resource Assessment
Green Banks provides Natural Resource Assessment services for new development projects. Local land use rules and regulations vary between cities and counties, and our staff have the expertise to assist in navigating the regulatory process. Natural Resource Assessments involve identifying and planning for sensitive areas such as wetlands, streams, and fish and wildlife habitat.
Endangered Species Act Consultation
Green Banks can provide Endangered Species Act Consultation assistance for plants, fish and wildlife. This may include field surveying, species data research and collection, and Biological Assessment (BA) preparation. We have completed endangered plant surveys on over 3,000 acres of National Forest in Washington, and numerous sites in Oregon. We have also assisted in the preparation of Biological Assessments for in-water work in the Columbia River and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) at the Oregon coast.